Your Student Government in Residence
at Queen’s University
Our Mission
The Residence Society is a student-run government responsible for advocating for the interests of students in residence by hosting services, running events, and providing employment opportunities.
Presenting: ResSoc Recap Fall 2023 Edition!
It was a productive semester for the Residence Society during Fall 2023! We had lots of great events run by our House Presidents, and our executive team has been hard at work behind the scenes to make ResSoc operations more efficient, ethical, and transparent for staff and students alike.
Want to learn more about what we accomplished over the previous five months? Check this out:
Fall 2022
What a great semester! Take a look a ResSoc’s Fall statement, tasks achieved and next semester initiatives!
Winter 2023
Thank you for a productive semester! Take a look at our winter statement, what we achieved, and plans for the incoming team!
Contact Us
Feel free to contact our team via info@ressoc.queensu.ca or through our social media platforms. A reply can be expected within three business days during the academic term but please note that response times may vary.